The PARAcast
We went out and shot a match then recorded a show early because Kenny wanted to watch the Super Foosball game:

Levi: New to the podcast and loving it! Thanks guys! Question: I've just started shooting competitions and would like your advice to a new shooter for his first season: realistic expectations and where to concentrate to improve the fastest (I'm shooting limited)? Sidenote: I already had the realization after a couple episodes of the paracast that my first ever match I was squaded with THE Mr. Tom Nelson. I could not scroll back through episodes fast enough to hear his match breakdown and "colorful" description of me and the other first time shooters that day. Let's just say, I was not disappointed. :-)

David "The Humble Marksman" Blanton: Question for the show if I don’t see the post go out in time - what makes a level 2 match special (within reason)? What is the minimum expectation and what would take it to the next level from a shooters experience?

Daniel Lutz Have you played with the difference between 124 and 147gr ammo in production. What pros and cons did you decide on. I have been loading 147gr heads for 2 years now and keep wondering if I want to try 124gr. I know there will not be a world of difference but seeking opinions.
Mark Miller Going to put on a 8-9 stage pro am match later this year, any thoughts on pro am, do you like shooting it, any suggestions. We are using 15/mag. Keep up the good work
Jeremy Curnutte Not sure if it’s too late for a show question, but just bought a 1050 with a mark 7 off armslist. Any must haves that I need to get?
Max Bloemendaal What stage-styles, equipment and rules would you combine to make a shooting Superbowl? With the result being the best overall shooter in the world?
John B. Holbrook Now for a legitimate question. Since we’re in the off-season, I think it’s been a while since each of you has talked about your EDC, to include your CCW choices/options.

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Category:Firearms -- posted at: 3:53pm MST