The PARAcast
Steve, Tommy, and Robert shot a match. Not all together, that would be weird.
Joins us tonight as we talk about the week in guns, matches we shot, people Robert offended... you know, the usual stuff.
We also answer questions. Especially the really important ones like, How much disrepute can one person bring to a major match without getting banned from the organization?

Matt Hemple Area8 is this weekend I have about 500 rounds of practice ammo how should I use it.
Stefan Ketcham What are the main things that could change to make IDPA appealing to you?
Peter Wiktorski Besides shooting, what other spots do you guys suck at? šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€
Trevor Toone What physical conditioning do you do. ie for explosive movements and footwork
Robert C. Moreno Hello gents, I just bought a shadow 2 and a 92X and was wondering what basic upgrades would be best to start with. Also Iā€™m thinking about having the S2 milled to run an SRO in the future; what issues did Robert run into during his stint in CO? Oh and what holster is Kenny using for his 92X? Thanks!
Tyrel Kelsey How long before a match should you locktite your front sight?
Jared Michael Do you think it would be smart to open the cop match to everyone? I could do the cop match on Tuesday/Wednesday and then have a 12 stage match for everyone on Saturday.

Direct download: Just_the_two_of_Us_it.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 7:45pm MST