The PARAcast

Finally at 341 Episodes, the Paracast has recorded more shows then the Gun Dudes..

I guess we’re going to do another show today. So there’s that…

On the plus side, we’ve got Jared the not a cop, and House of speed and Disease, Jon Bautista..

Some of the guys shot a night match. Robert and Jon shot Tennessee and The Carolina Classic. Kenny is shooting the Red Rock Rumble.. and someone got banned..

Direct download: Longer_then_the_Gun_Dudes..._And_Wider_Ep._341.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 10:38pm MST

Well it's another Sunday which means your favorite podcast has a new episode and so does the PARAcast.

Direct download: PARAcast_341_Not_Competitive.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 2:05pm MST

Join us today on USPSA's only certified podcast. If it's not up to your standards you still have to say it was. We also will answer your questions and try to make some of you laugh.

Direct download: Not_Making_Friends_Ep_339.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 6:12pm MST