The PARAcast
We talk about USPSA, Home defense, lightning links and other fun but slightly sorta questionably legal things
Direct download: Full_Auto_Home_Defense_Episode_318.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 10:04pm MST

We all decided to shoot a match. Well except koski who was shooting IDPA.
Fun times were had in reasonably cold temperatures. So we decided to get together to talk about it, and all the other gun things we did.
Direct download: 30_Super_Tokarev_Episode_317.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 5:56pm MST

New Year, New Season!

While everyone is setting new year’s resolutions, we here at the paracast are resolving to do nothing of value this coming year.

On the plus side, we’re still going to do this show. So I guess we have that going for us…

Direct download: Gun_Club_for_Men_Episode_316.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 5:37pm MST