The PARAcast


Direct download: Calling_for_Doubles_1.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 9:03pm MST

The guys discuss things that only happen in range bathrooms. And other shooting related mishaps on their way to Nationals

Direct download: The_Hand_in_the_Toilet.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 9:44pm MST

Kenny comes in second. Steve gets arrested again. Tommy and Robert are left holding the bag.
But you get an extra creepy Dead or Alive. So there's that!
Direct download: 2nd_place_again_clean.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 9:07pm MST

The guys shot the Utah State Championship match. Kenny crushed people's souls. Robert sold a gun and started shooting another division. Tommy got a reshoot.
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Direct download: Dying_in_the_Bathroom_1.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 7:42pm MST