Sun, 17 October 2021
With Flashlight Nationals in full swing, it seems people actually are shooting with lights (out of necessity) We’re doing a show today. Steve and tommy went and shot some IDPA while Robert went out and bought another gun. So we’ll talk about that and whatever questions you may have for our intrepid trio today!
Direct download: The_Sound_of_Jareds_Silence_Episode_309_1.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 6:02pm MST |
Sun, 3 October 2021
Coming back off a whirlwind tour of area 4 and Georgia state, Robert is back and brought with him a new friend named Rona. Steve and Tommy are still trying to figure out which end of the optic to look through. Kenny meanwhile has a new side project to get primer money. Hit him up on his only fans site and throw him a few bucks: Username chunkylover57 |