Mon, 18 May 2020
We’re going to do a show tonight. It will involve the latest production division talk, followed by some spicy takes on USPSA, and we may even talk about a match or two. Either way join us tonight as Kenny regales us with his thoughts on his new Beretta. We will also Answer questions. But only the cool questions. Well, maybe even the not so cool questions. We’re pretty open like that Jacob Franklin Is Tom’s favorite tv show Westworld due to all the PX4 screentime? Matt Hemple Due to the covid 19 I have drove 12hrs to shoot 2 matches the past two weekends. With equals out to about 150 seconds of shooting. Should I seek help from a counselor. Chris Potts Questions for Robert. Are Dillons like CZ’s in the sense that you have buy another one whenever you break a spring? Sebastian Muñoz Where can I find 17 ounce CZ basepads? Robert C. Moreno Could you share your load data regarding Sport Pistol? I’m shooting 9mm 125 gallant bullets. Also, how do you go about finding accurate loads for your pistol, OAL, latter testing? Thanks for any insight! Brett Beddow Any suggestions for removing squibs from a 16” PCC 9mm barrel ? I’ve channeling my inner squibnandez David Blanton What if production had the option for major and 8 rounds- same rule otherwise. Would that provide character to the division or just be changing stuff to change stuff at this point Evan Ruesdale I have been away from small arms for over two years, and will continue to be for another year. What can I do to maintain proficiency? Nate Osborne What year (when not if) will a 9mm 2011 or 1911 be production legal? And how will manufacturer donations impact this timeline? Austin Rist Tom, is it an unwritten rule to not walk through peoples yards if possible when delivering packages? Chris Potts Also for Robert. I ordered 3k galant 147’s. What length do you like to load them? Any suggestions for loading them for a Pistol Caliber “Pistol” with a suppressor. Tony Carter What are the Pros / Cons of 124 grain vs 147 grain match Ammo? Felt recoil, muzzle flip, accuracy and energy on poppers? Lex Konishi Brisket, pulled pork or Ribs? --- GallantBullets PEWPRO10 for 10% off your first order Dominate Defense PARA10 for 10% off |
Sun, 3 May 2020
Some of the guys shot a match yesterday while one protested, then went out and practiced on his own. Find out who tonight on the show as we discuss the week in guns and answer your super wonderful questions.
Rob Brom I think I should shoot groups to get used to shooting the gun correctly after a lag in practice. Is this something your team of....guys...would recommend? Thanks Max Bloemendaal If the only match you end up shooting this season is IDPA, with a different gun than you shoot USPSA with, how many tacos would you eat? Drew Beckman All the recent podcast love for the 92 sent me down a Beretta rabbit hole. We’ve heard Tom defend the APX - let’s hear some hot takes on his defense of the Pico! Derk Hopkins After all this time off, Once the timer beeped what did you forget to do? I forgot this was a competition. I did not move with urgency. Joshua Cook Transitions...any tips on how to train to stop on target at speed without over "shooting" your spot on target? With all transitions at different distances it seems hard to "muscle memory" transitions for precision. Chad Strickland If the government gives another stimulus check, do I buy a safe or a MacBook for my wife? Dave Sohm Rear sight has come loose, i can slide it with my finger. How should i secure it? |