The PARAcast
I guess we’re going to do a show. Because we have to. We can talk about anything. Well almost anything.
Direct download: Robert_on_Law_Ep_352.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 5:53pm MST

Between Shot Show and freezing in arctic temperatures, the guys still decided to shoot a match. It was a bad decision.

Direct download: Rocket_Wagon_Ep_351.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 6:30pm MST

Join us tonight where we get together and talk about the greatest injustice and infringement on our lives ever put forth by governing body.. Limited Optics.
Oh we’ll also talk about the dog killers and what they did too.
Direct download: Flat_Tire_New_Car_Ep_360.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 6:04pm MST

We talk all about Traps. And DQ's. Which naturally takes us to PCC division.
Direct download: The_DQ_Trap_Ep_359.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 5:52pm MST

New year new divisions and new guns!
We got the old crew back together again for one more trip around the sun. Or at least another season of the Paracast.
Direct download: The_Newest_German_Division_Ep_358.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 6:29pm MST