The PARAcast

Apparently something happened at area 5. So we’ll talk about that. Robert’s going to be going to Oklahoma and then Georgia to shoot some things. So we may talk about that too..

Paracast Podcast Telegram Channel

Direct download: USPSAs_John_Edwards_Episode_307.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 6:36pm MST

Lots of things happened since we last did a show… we all shot a match, kenny started working on his deck, Robert continued to tell the president to get bent, Chipman’s nomination got pulled.

So we’re going to do a show. It will be a fun show. The best show. You can pretty much ask anyone you know and they will agree.

Direct download: The_Blue_Streak_Episode_306.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 7:56pm MST