The PARAcast
In our efforts to find a new host, join us tonight as we welcome a special guest, Steve Koski. Steve is a master class IDPA shooter, sometime shooter of USPSA, and an all around mostly nice guy.
Alex Coco Wendt: Now that I have my basic Dillon 550 is the primer alarm worth it?
I have $300 to spend on reloading, what do I need to successfully load 223?
Sometimes my be shellplate doesn't go into exactly the right spot, then on the next up stroke things get hung up, how can I fix this?
Derk Hopkins First off I would like to welcome Mr. Koski to the program. Welcome Mr. Koski. How long is too long for a make ready? Asking for a friend.
Sebastian Muñoz Steve Koski, how was your 4week covid quarantine?
David Blanton Will the 92 now become viable in CO?
Kepler Kramer Steve, you got anymore jugs of titegroup?
Ruben Garcia What’s the farthest you’ve driven for a local, including pre and post Covid? What’s the limit on crazy, 1.5, 3 hours for a local?
Jacob Franklin Favorite match underwear?
GallantBullets PEWPRO10 for 10% off your first order
Dominate Defense  PARA10 for 10% off 
Direct download: Another_Week_of_Crotch_Talk_1.mp3
Category:Firearms -- posted at: 7:47pm MST